Thursday, October 22, 2009

LOTF voacab 2

Credulously -ready to believe especially on sight or uncertain evidence -gullable -beliveing something mythical -It only took a foot print for the credulous boy to think it was big foots.

Cynically- contempuously distruthful o human nature and motives -unbelieving -not trusting anything human -the boycynically hid from himself and everyone else.

declivities- downward inclination -down -slope going down -the girls were in a shopping cart devliviting down a hill.

decorous- marked by property and good taste- decoration- beauty-the room had a decorous style.

demur- the act of objecting -hesitation- protest-the kids demured to the idea of more homework.

derisive-expressing or characterized by derision

diffidently-lacking confidence-low self esteem-not believing in your self-the boy diffidently gave up.

discursive-one topic to another-rambling on-changing the subject- the old man was discursive in his conversation.

disentangled- free from entanglement-untangled-not tangled- the girls fingers we're finally disentangled from the string.

disinclination- to make or be unwilling- force- forcing something- the girl was very disinclinated with the boy.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


who is the only one who may interupt holding the conch?

Who saw the beast/beastie/snake-like thing?
the small boy

Who says, again and again that there isnt a beast?
Jack and Ralph

Ralph makes a two-fold "mission statement" what are the two parts?
1.The Queen has a room full of maps with islands
2.Sooner or later they'll be rescued

Why do they need a fire?
They need it to make smoke

What did the boys use to start the fire
Piggy's specs

who is the first boy to die?
the boy who saw the snake beast

"How do you expect to get rescued if you dont put first things first and act proper?"

"I told you to. I topld you to get a list of names!"

"we'll have rules! lots of rules! then when anyone breaks em-"
sam n eric

Monday, October 19, 2009

LOTF chapter 1

How did the boys arrive on the island?
Plane crash

How did Ralph call the first meeting?
blowing the conch

What are the names of the twins?
Eric and Sam

What does Ralph's Dad do?
Work in the Royal Navy

What nationality are the boys?

the island was roughly [boat]-shaped

what is the "Scar?"
long strip of land

for whom did Piggy vote as chief?

who went to make sure the island was really and island?

who is your favorite character so far?

LOTF vocabulary 1

Abyss-the bottomless gulf, pit, or chaos.- Hell- deep dark hole - In the deep abyss of the ocean, there are creatures that have never been discovered.

articulate-divided clearly into words and syllables- split- compound- the 2nd graders use articulate, or compound word, in complete sentences.

bastion-a projecting part of a fortification- fort- isolated-the bastion was not fully hidden in the forest; it was leaving the fort revealed.

blundered- to move unsteadily or blindly- unfocused- blind- the man hasn't been sober in so long, that everything was a blunder to him.

cascades-a small steep full of water- waterfall-something falling-they say behind every cascade, or waterfall, there is a cave.

compressed-flattened laterally- squeezed- squeezed together-the kids compressed the oranges to get the juice out.

contemptuously- of the same age/time- current- present-the items were all made in the same contemptuous, so they all expire at the same time.

contrite-sorrowful for a wrong that has been done- regret- grief- the kids made a contrite mistake for picking on the little boy.

corpulent-having a large bulky body- buff- excersize-the mans body was so corpulent and buff, that he ripped a phone book in half

covert-hiding place- secret- unknown-the covert place was where the kids hung out all day.

Who should survive?

If i were stranded on a crippled small ship, and could only bring 5 people with me to an uncharted island, I would bring Dr.Dane, Bobby, Mrs. Victor, Jean Garcia, and Mr.Blake. I would bring Dr. Dane because he has a PhD and his hobby is botany, that way we could know what kind of herbs could treat wounds, and what type we could eat. I would bring Bobby, because he has a cool name with a I.Q. of 70 and he's 10! Another reason i would bring Bobby is because he's had training in cub scouts and can survive in the wild. I'd bring Mrs.Victor because she's still young, she's been through prostitution, and works in a sucky job. I would bring her so she can get away from it all, and she can make cocktails. I would bring Jean Garcia the 3 month old baby, because if the baby dies on the ship i could not live with that on my conscious, and it might grow up to be of some use. And last i would choose to bring would be Mr. Blake. He is a handy man that can build houses and carpentry.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


What little things go wrong with the kidnapping?
David's Alibi:

Betsy's Alibi:

In what way does Mr.Griffon earn the respect of his kidnappers?
How strong he was.

Why is Susan especially upset about her part in the kidnapping?
because she was part of it, and she relized how nice Mr.Griffon was to her.

Why does Betsy say the following to Susan?"Honestly, I dont understand you."
She saw Sue crying and she didnt want to go up to the mountains.

Is Murder Ever Justifiable?

I think murder is justifiable some of the time. The person who was murdered could've been a sick twisted person, that beat his family, or raped his wife, and it drives people to murder that person for putting them under physical and emotional depression. Most time murder is not justified in many situations like if a kid steals candy from a store, they shouldn't get shot for it. But in most cases such as killing, rape, physical/mental abuse, its most likely that some would could and sometimes should get murdered.